

Marketing Site Rebuild and Rebrand

I was brought on as a senior front-end consult and developer specifically tasked with helping to architect and build out the front-end of a JAM-stack based system. I provided valuable expertise and mentoring in both React and Gatsby as the in-house team got up-to-speed with these technologies. I also lead the effort to architect a highly scalable modular approach to theming for the site, including the setup of tooling to support the organization and maintainance of a modular UI system. Beyond helping with front-end developement and providing React expertise, I also helped integrate the front-end with various back-end services including Wordpress. Finally, I provided assistance in optimizing CI/CD, development workflows, and scaling of a static site build to enterprise level.


  • Roadmapping and Design Audit for a modular component based UI
  • Styleguidist Guide with highly automated documentation of UI components
  • Assistance with integration with backend services including Wordpress
  • Mentoring and expertise in React and Gatsby
  • Improvements to build performance and CI/CD scripting
  • Integrated the component library back into Wordpress to enable page previews


  • React
  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • Webpack
  • Babal
  • ES6+
  • Jira
  • Wordpress
  • NodeCI
  • EsLint
  • Styleguidist


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